ASTM International Fatigue and Fracture Committee Honors Gary Bray

ASTM International’s fatigue and fracture committee (E08) presented its Fracture Mechanics Medal to Gary Bray, senior technical specialist at Westmoreland Mechanical Testing & Research.

Bray was awarded in recognition of his outstanding and sustained contributions to the advancement of fracture mechanics technology and associated methodologies, in particular the standard test methods developed by the committee for fracture testing under plane-strain and plane-stress linear-elastic conditions.

An ASTM International member since 1994, Bray has been previously honored by the committee with the Award of Appreciation (2006) and the Award of Merit (2007). In addition to ASTM, Bray is a member of ASM International and the Materials Properties Development and Standardization Committee (MMPDS).

The focus of Bray’s over 30-year career is mechanical property characterization of aerospace aluminum alloys, with a focus on fatigue and fracture. He received his position at Westmoreland Mechanical Testing & Research in 2019, and previously served in a similar position at Arconic. He received his Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering from University of Virginia in 1993.

Media Inquiries: Gavin O’Reilly, tel +1.610.832.9618;

Release #11853



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