Lisa Rogers Begins Term on ASTM International Board of Directors

Lisa Rogers, president of Mycometer, Inc., has started her three-year term on the ASTM International board of directors.

ASTM International’s board is made of 25 leaders from a variety of companies, associations, universities, government bodies, and other organizations around the world.

Rogers has over 30 years of experience in environmental health and safety and has focused on indoor air quality for the past 20 years.

Rogers joined ASTM International in 2006. She is chair of the air quality committee (D22) and subchair of D22.08. D22 has recognized her work with the Award of Appreciation (2012, 2014), Award of Merit (2015), the Moyer D. Thomas Award (2018). Rogers also serves on the committees on paint and related coatings, materials, and applications (D01), soil and rock (D18), water (D19), and weathering and durability (G03).

Rogers holds a bachelor’s degree in analytical chemistry/mathematics from Florida Southern College.

Media Inquiries: Gavin O’Reilly, tel +1.610.832.9618;  

Release #11760



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