ASTM International Publishes Global Medical Exoskeleton Survey

ASTM International’s Exo Technology Center of Excellence (ET CoE) has announced publication of a new survey report, titled “Global Survey of Healthcare Professionals Using Medical Exoskeletons.”

The purpose of the survey was to gather feedback from medical professionals using exoskeletons in rehabilitation, research, and more. The survey will help readers understand the experience, perspectives, and insights that medical professionals have gained from using medical exoskeletons in practice.

This foundational knowledge will help to improve exoskeleton technology by catalyzing communication, collaboration, certification, education, and outreach efforts. A deeper understanding of how exoskeletons are used will inform standards development by ASTM’s exoskeletons and exosuits committee (F48) and further the goal of helping people live happier, healthier, higher-quality lives.

The report is available here:

Established in 2019, ASTM’s Center of Excellence in Exo Technology (ET CoE) focuses on accelerating exo standards through research, education, workforce development, training certifications, and connecting global exo communities.

For more on the ET CoE, visit

Media Inquiries: Gavin O’Reilly, tel +1.610.832.9618;

Release #11754



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