ASTM International Announces Next Step in Digital Workflow Functionality with Compass Points

Global standards organization, ASTM International, announced its newest innovation in improving digital workflow functionality through its new Compass Points tool.

Compass Points is an online tool that provides users with the ability to highlight important components in standards, building a permanent link back to that data for multiple purposes. It’s an easy-to-use step that vaults users towards smarter standards empowering users to handle data more efficiently. Learn more about Compass Points in the latest edition of Standardization News, ASTM’s flagship publication.

The release of the new Compass Points tool follows a major investment into ASTM’s IT infrastructure that has significantly enhanced the ASTM Compass® product. With the newly improved platform, ASTM is in a strong position to provide users with improved and more flexible solutions so they can do more with their standards, especially when incorporating them into a variety of key workflow systems.

“As we reflect during this 125th anniversary year, it is clear that ASTM has always been a partner to industry, responding to their needs with relevant and timely standards and services,” notes ASTM International President Kathie Morgan. “Compass and Compass Points are no different. With these key tools, ASTM is advancing development, use, and understanding of standards to help our constituents meet their needs. Specifically, Compass Points can assist organizations with change management, improving efficiencies, enabling transparent communication, and reducing costs.”

All Compass features are based on years of customer feedback and usage data and were built to help customers manage change and use technology to meet growing digital needs. Specifically, ASTM Compass enables users to:

  • Switch between both HTML and PDF versions of standards;
  • Easily export and transfer content to internal workflow systems, SOPs, or other platforms;
  • Access additional content from a variety of standards developers and associations including API, AWS, AWWA, AASHTO, AATCC, CGA, UOP, IES, and more;
  • Easily identify changes to standards through ASTM Redlines, saving time and money;
  • Create and share a unique and permanent URL keeping you connected to important data in standards;
  • Tools to improve use and so much more.

“ASTM Compass puts us in a unique position to provide customized solutions that enhance efficiencies for our customers,” says Laura Derrico, Compass product manager, ASTM International. “Some of our upcoming enhancements are laboratory focused and will streamline use of standard operating procedures and provide Test Method Assessment Checklists.”

Derrico also noted that customers who access standards through ASTM Compass can feel well prepared to responsibly manage and capitalize on the challenges and opportunities of the rapidly changing digital environment ahead.

For questions, or to learn more about the enhancements to ASTM Compass, visit; email; or call +1.877.909.2786.

Media Inquiries: Dan Bergels, tel +1.610.832.9602;

Release #11669



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