Key ASTM International Committee Honors Lee Dilks

Lee Dilks, consultant for LDAnalytical in Lahaska, Pennsylvania, USA, was honored with the H. V. Churchill Award by ASTM International’s committee on analytical chemistry for metals, ores and related materials (E01). 

Dilks, an ASTM International member since 1992, was recognized for greatly contributing to the content of committee standards by providing consistent support of interlaboratory programs in the development of methods as well as consistently providing significant comments to standards on ballot. The committee has also honored Dilks with the Award of Appreciation in 2015.

Dilks, who now serves as a consultant for LDAnalytical, previously held positions with LTI, W.B. Coleman, and Booth Garret & Blair. He holds a bachelor’s degree in biology from La Salle University. 

In addition to ASTM International, Dilks is a member of the Society of Automotive Engineers, the American Society of Materials, and the Iron and Steel Chemists Association. 

Media Inquiries: Dan Bergels, tel +1.610.832.9602; 

Release #10697


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