Key ASTM International Committee’s Top Annual Award Presented to John Grubb

ASTM International’s committee on steel, stainless steel, and related alloys (A01) presented its top annual award – the Award of Merit – to John F. Grubb of ATI – Flat Rolled Products, Natrona Heights, Pennsylvania, USA. The prestigious award, which includes the accompanying title of fellow, is ASTM’s highest recognition for individual contributions to developing standards.

Grubb was recognized for exemplary technical contributions and leadership to the committee, specifically, the group on flat-rolled and wrought stainless steel in areas of advanced metallurgy and newly evolving technology. 

A member of ASTM International since 2005, Grubb was previously awarded the Award of Excellence by the committee. He is also a member of the committees on nonferrous metals and alloys (B02), mechanical testing (E28), declarable substances in materials (F40), and corrosion of metals (G01).

Grubb, a consultant (retired), with ATI-Flat Rolled Products, previously held positions with Allegheny Ludlum and General Electric. He holds a bachelor’s degree in metallurgy from Lehigh University, and master’s and doctorate degrees in materials from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.   

In addition to ASTM International, Grubb is also a member of ASM International, the Minerals, Metals & Materials Society, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, the American Welding Society, and NACE International.  

Media Inquiries: Dan Bergels, tel+1.610.832.9602; 

Release #10561


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