ASTM International to Hold Aviation Fuels Training and Meeting in Lima

Today, ASTM International announced that it will hold a popular two-day training course on aviation fuels at EnginZone in Lima, Peru, on April 23-24. The course, Aviation Fuels: Specifications and Test Methods, focuses on how technical standards help control the quality of aviation fuels and why they affect product performance and availability. 

Participants will learn to:

  • discuss bulk and trace properties of aviation fuel,
  • describe past and current problems related to aviation fuel,
  • identify various methods of testing aviation fuels and how they are manufactured, 
  • evaluate methods of fuel handling, sampling, and transportation, and
  • recognize the interaction of aviation fuels with aircraft engines and ground equipment. 

The course will be offered in English and simultaneously translated into Spanish. Taught in a participatory atmosphere, the course includes access to numerous hands-on samples of aviation fuel equipment. Participants will receive a certificate and 1.4 Continuing Education Units upon completion.

In addition to a workbook, participants will also receive a copy of ASTM International’s manual on Aviation Fuel Quality Control Procedures and copies of various standards.  

For more information and to register for the course, visit  

The course will occur in conjunction with the meeting of ASTM International’s subcommittee on aviation fuels (D02.J0), part of the committee on petroleum products, liquid fuels, and lubricants. The meeting, open to those interested in developing standards, is free, while the training course is $895 USD.

Meeting Information: April 23-24, 2018, EnginZone, Monterosa 233, of. 402 Charcarilla del Estanque, Surco, Lima 33, Peru

Media Inquiries: Dan Bergels, tel +1.610.832.9602; 

Release #10472


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