ASTM International Committee on Vehicle-Pavement Systems Honors Robin Tallon

Robin Tallon, Project Manager with The Transtec Group, Inc., Austin, Texas, USA, was honored with the Tilton E. Shelburne Memorial Award from ASTM International’s committee on vehicle-pavement systems (E17). 

The award, named for former chairman Tilton E. Shelburne, is given for the recognition of outstanding work related to the stimulation of research, dissemination of knowledge, and development of standards in the vehicle-pavement systems field. 

Tallon, who joined ASTM International in 2007, has previously served in a number of positions with the Pennsylvania State University, including research project manager, research technologist, and research technician. She was previously honored with the Award of Appreciation (2015) by the committee. 

In addition to ASTM International, Tallon is also a member of the Transportation Research Board Committee AFD-90.  

Media Inquiries: Dan Bergels, tel +1.610.832.9602; 

Release #10465


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