ASTM International Geosynthetics Committee Presents Top Annual Award to C. Joel Sprague

ASTM International’s Committee on Geosynthetics (D35) will present its top annual award – the Award of Merit – to C. Joel Sprague, of TRI/Environmental, in Greenville, South Carolina, U.S.A. The prestigious award, which includes the accompanying title of fellow, is ASTM’s highest recognition for individual contributions to developing standards.

The committee is honoring Sprague for outstanding contributions to the committee and the geosynthetics industry in the areas of standards development, manufacturing audit protocols, and harmonization of testing standards. Sprague has been a member of ASTM International since 1986, and he has previously received the Award of Appreciation (2000), the GTJ Outstanding Article Award (2003), and the Richard S. Ladd Standards Development Award (2004).

Sprague is senior engineer and southeast region manager with TRI/Environmental. He previously held positions with Sprague & Sprague Consulting Engineers, Nicolon Corp., Hoechst Celanese Corp., and Duke Power Co.

In addition to ASTM International, Sprague is a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers’ GeoInstitute, the IGS North America, and the International Geosynthetic Society, as well as, the National Society of Professional Engineers.

Media Inquiries: Dan Bergels, tel+1.610.832.9602;
Release #10340


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