ASTM International Committee on Nondestructive Testing Honors George Rhodes with Charles J. Briggs Award

George Rhodes, president of Precious Metals Imaging, in Corrales, New Mexico, USA, has received the Charles J. Briggs Award from ASTM International Committee on Nondestructive Testing (E07). 

A member of ASTM since 1995, Rhodes was recognized for his continuous and outstanding contributions to the work of the committee.

Rhodes, is an expert in nondestructive methods with an emphasis on defect detection in individual parts and assemblies, and the fingerprinting of high value assets - (gold and diamonds). He holds a bachelor’s degree in chemistry from Arizona State University and a doctorate in physical chemistry from the University of Utah.

In addition to ASTM International, Rhodes is a member of the Nondestructive Testing and Management Association, and the American Society for Nondestructive Testing.

Media Inquiries: Dan Bergels, tel +1.610.832.9602;

Release #10258


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