ASTM International Copper and Copper Alloys Committee Presents Top Annual Award to Andrew Kireta

ASTM International’s Committee on Copper and Copper Alloys (B05) has presented its top annual award – the Award of Merit – to Andrew Kireta, Jr. of the Copper Development Association, Inc. in Franklin, Ind., U.S.A. The prestigious award, which includes the accompanying title of fellow, is ASTM’s highest recognition for individual contributions to developing standards.

The committee honored Kireta for outstanding contributions in copper forgings, copper and copper alloys, pipe and tubing, casting and ingots, and more. He has been a member of ASTM since 1998, serving as the B05.92 subcommittee chairman since 2011. He received the Arthur Cohen Memorial Award in 2007 and the Copper Club Award in 2014.

Kireta is vice president of market development with the Copper Development Association, Inc., providing expertise in areas such as strategic development, promotion, and support of copper and copper alloy products in the North American market. He has been with the Copper Development Association since 1992, having previously served as vice president of building construction, national program manager, technical projects manager, and Midwest regional manager.

In addition to ASTM, Kireta is a member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, American Society of Plumbing Engineers, American Society of Sanitary Engineering, American Welding Society, American Water Works Association, National Association of Corrosion Engineers, International Code Council, the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO), and NSF International.

Media Inquiries: Dan Bergels, tel +1.610.832.9602;

Release #10075


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