ASTM International Manufactured Masonry Units Committee Presents Top Annual Award to Steve Talafous

ASTM International’s Committee on Manufactured Masonry Units (C15) has presented its top annual award – the Award of Merit – to Steve Talafous of Buildings Consulting Group, Inc. in Minneapolis, Minn., U.S.A. The prestigious award, which includes the accompanying title of fellow, is ASTM’s highest recognition for individual contributions to developing standards.

The committee honored Talafous for his exceptional contributions in creating water penetration tests for masonry and extraction and testing of clay masonry specimens. He has been a member of ASTM since 1989, serving as second vice-chairman of the group since 2014. He received the Award of Appreciation from the committee in 2014.

Talafous is a principal with Buildings Consulting Group, Inc., providing technical expertise for the company’s teams in areas such as business development and project management while also serving as an expert witness in legal matters. He previously served as an engineer with Twin City Testing, a senior engineer with STS Consultants, and an associate with Braun Intertec.

In addition to ASTM, Talafous is a member of The Masonry Society, International Concrete Repair Institute, American Concrete Institute, and the Minnesota Concrete Council.

Media Inquiries: Dan Bergels, tel +1.610.832.9602;

Release #10068


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