New CD-ROM Edition of ASTM International Standards for Mechanical Fastener and Related Processes

ASTM Standards for Mechanical Fasteners and Related Processes, 3rd Edition, is now available on CD-ROM. Compiled from more than 15 volumes of the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, this new edition provides all of the standards developed by ASTM International Committee F16 on Fasteners, as well as the most commonly referenced documents.

ASTM Standards for Mechanical Fasteners and Processes features 159 ASTM International standards that cover various topics such as raw materials, inspection, testing procedures, plating and quality assurance for threaded, non-threaded, driven and other fasteners and fastener components.

This compilation is a comprehensive technical resource for design professionals, manufacturers, engineers, architects, government agencies, universities and other teaching or training organizations, distributors, and consultants involved in the production, design, testing, or use of mechanical fasteners or assemblies.

ASTM Standards for Mechanical Fasteners and Processes, 3rd Edition, is available on CD for $290 USD  (ISBN: 978-0-8031-7027-8; stock # FASTENERCD11).

To purchase ASTM publications, search by stock number on the ASTM Web site (, or contact ASTM Customer Relations (phone: 610-832-9585;

ASTM Staff Contact: Marsha Firman, Phone: 610-832-9612;   

Release #9029


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