ASTM International Award of Merit Honors Contributions of George E. Totten, Ph.D.

A 2006 ASTM International Award of Merit and the accompanying title of fellow honor the ASTM work of George E. Totten, Ph.D., president of G.E. Totten & Associates, LLC, in Seattle, Wash. ASTM Committee D02 on Petroleum Products and Lubricants cited Totten "for selfless and tireless contributions towards standards development and improving the standards development process, both as individual contributor and leader." The award is the highest ASTM International recognition for individual participation in standards activities.


Since joining ASTM in 1988, Totten has been active in standards development within D02 groups on hydraulic fluids and heat transfer fluids, and he has organized symposia on these fluids and their industrial applications. For his Committee D02 contributions, the committee has recognized him with an Award of Appreciation, an Award of Excellence and the Sydney D. Andrews ASTM D02 Scroll of Achievement award. In addition to his D02 membership, Totten is chairman of the ASTM Committee on Publications and is also a member of ASTM Committee G02 on Wear and Erosion.


Totten, an expert in the fields of quenching of steel and aluminum as well as fire resistant hydraulic fluids, has been an adjunct professor at the Polytechnic University of New York and is currently an associate research professor at Portland State University and a visiting professor at the University of Sao Paulo in Sao Carlos, Brazil. He had a 31-year career with the former Union Carbide, where he researched and developed products in the areas of metal quenchants, hydraulic fluid technology, and lubrication, among other projects.


In addition to his ASTM International membership, Totten participates in the work of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, ASM International, the International Federation for Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering, the Society of Automotive Engineers International and the Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers. He formerly chaired the SAE Farm, Construction, Industrial Machinery board, and is a past president of the International Federation for Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering and a past co-chair of the ASM Technology and Programming Committee. IFHTSE, ASM International and SAE International have elected Totten a fellow, and he has received other professional awards as well.


Totten earned his Ph.D. in physical organic chemistry from New York University, his B.S. and M.S. from Fairleigh Dickinson University, and his A.A.S. from Broome Technical Community College. The author of more than 450 papers, articles, books and book chapters, and editor of the ASTM Fuels and Lubricants Handbook (Manual 37), Totten serves on several editorial boards and is associate editor of the Journal of ASTM International. He also holds 16 patents.




Release #7397

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