David M. G. Lawrey Awarded ASTM International Committee D02 Honorary Membership

Committee D02 on Petroleum Products and Lubricants presented the George V. Dyroff Award of Honorary Committee D02 Membership to David M. G. Lawrey, retired chief of Analytical Services for Sun Co. Committee D02 cited Lawrey "For his many services to the committee over the course of his distinguished career." Lawrey has been an ASTM International member since 1983.

Lawrey lives in Chester Heights, Pa.

In his career, Lawrey concentrated on programming, data acquisition, and computerization as related to hydrocarbon analysis from mass spectrometry and gas chromatography. Before becoming chief of analytical services, Lawrey had been a chemist with Sun Co.

Lawrey graduated from Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas, with a B.S. in chemistry and he earned his M.B.A. in operations research from Drexel University in Philadelphia, Pa.


Release #7386

Source URL: https://newsroom.astm.org/david-m-g-lawrey-awarded-astm-international-committee-d02-honorary-membership