ASTM International Walkway Surface Standard Aims to Support Pedestrian Safety

A new standard practice developed by ASTM International’spedestrian/walkway safety and footwear committee (F13) provides insight on the selection of walkway surfaces when considering pedestrian safety.

This standard, soon to be available as F3132, outlines key elements for selecting new or planned walkway surfaces for reduced risk of slips and falls.

“Current built environment design standards, such as building codes, offer little guidance on the characteristics of walkway surfaces that increase available friction and reduce likelihood of pedestrian slip and falls,” says Wayne Maynard, retired product director of ergonomics and tribology for Liberty Mutual Insurance. “This new standard will provide elements for selecting walkway surfaces that meet not only cost and aesthetic requirements, but also important pedestrian safety needs.”

According to Maynard, the standard will help with decisions regarding selection of slip-resistant walkway safety solutions at the design phase of new construction and renovation, as well as maintenance during occupancy phases.

Maynard notes the new standard will enable architects, design and construction engineers, facility managers, property managers, and safety professionals to be more proactive in reducing the risk of slips and falls through selection of walkway surfaces and materials.

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Media Inquiries: Jaime Martorana, tel +1.610.832.9796;
Committee Contact: Travis Murdock, tel +1.610.832.9826; 

Release #11109



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