New ASTM International Rubber Standard Aims to Improve Silica Quality

A new ASTM International standard aims to improve the quality of precipitated silica, which is used as a filler ingredient for rubber.  

ASTM International’s rubber and rubber-like materials committee (D11) developed the new standard (D8300) which provides a test method to determine whether the degree of electrical conductivity is suitable for rubber-grade silica, for example, used as reinforcing filler in modern tires. 

Specifically, “the new standard provides a procedure for the determination of electrical conductivity in an aqueous suspension of silica,” says ASTM International member Jorge Lacayo, expert for materials evaluation at Continental R&D Tires. High electrical conductivity values are associated with ionic sources due to impurities in precipitated silica. 

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Media Inquiries: Dan Bergels, tel +1.610.832.9602;
Committee Contact: Melissa Marcinowski, tel +1.610.832.9626; 

Release #10969


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