Experts Invited to Help Revise ASTM International Thermostat Standards

ASTM International’s committee on nonferrous metals and alloys (B02) is inviting experts in the specialty alloys and thermostat metals industry to join in the revision of two important ASTM International thermostat standards. The standards were developed by ASTM International’s committee on nonferrous metals and alloys (B02). 

The specification for thermostat metal sheet and strip (B388) covers metals that are used for temperature-sensitive elements of devices for controlling, compensating, or indicating temperature. The specification for thermostat component alloys (B753) describes requirements for alloys that are used as components in the manufacture of bonded multi-component thermostat metal strip. 

The next meeting of ASTM International committee on nonferrous metals and alloys is May 21-23 in San Diego, California, USA.

Media Inquiries: Dan Bergels, tel +1.610.832.9602;
Committee Contact: Molly Lynyak, tel +1.610.832.9743; 

Release #10503


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