ASTM Hook-On Chair Specification Referenced in U.S. Regulation

A new U.S. regulation incorporates ASTM International’s consumer safety performance standard for portable hook-on chairs for children aged six months to three years and under 37 pounds. This specification (F1235), intended to improve the safety of portable hook-on chairs and prevent deaths and injury to young children, was referenced by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) on March 8.

Hook-on chairs are legless seats attached to a table that is the sole support for the chair. From Jan. 1, 2000, through Oct. 31, 2014, the CPSC received about 90 incident reports related to these products. Injuries have occurred when the chair fell because the child pushed off the table, components of the chair have detached or broken, or for other reasons.

The standard addresses many hazards associated with these chairs, including:
•    compromised attachments;
•    restraint or containment issues;
•    unintended release of seat fabric fastenings;
•    seat fabric separation due to breaking or tearing components; and,
•    broken structural components.

The regulation goes into effect six months after the final rule is published in the Federal Register.

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Release #10037


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