Proposed ASTM Standard Will Promote Consistent Roller Design for Fiber Reinforced Concrete Tests

Laboratories that conduct beam tests on fiber reinforced concrete are encouraged to join in the development of a new ASTM International standard, ASTM WK42757, Practice for Design of Supporting Rollers to Be Used in Fiber Reinforced Concrete Beam Tests.

According to ASTM member Stefan Bernard, the new standard is being developed in response to concerns over possible distortions in the magnitude of performance data obtained in beam tests on fiber reinforced concrete and increases in variability between labs. The new standard will ensure that laboratories use a consistent design of supporting rollers that will hopefully reduce variations between labs.

“The principle application for the proposed standard will be testing of fiber-reinforced concrete and, in particular, assessment of post-cracking flexural strength,” says Bernard. “Fiber reinforced concrete is used in floors, pavements, shotcrete and tunnel structures.” Bernard notes that contractors and infrastructure owners will be the main customers for test data generated by the standard.

ASTM WK42757 is being developed by Subcommittee C09.42 on Fiber-Reinforced Concrete, part of ASTM Committee C09 on Concrete and Concrete Aggregates. All interested parties are invited to participate in the ongoing development of ASTM WK42757. In particular, laboratories are being sought to engage in round robin testing that will assess variability in test methods.

ASTM welcomes participation in the development of its standards. Become a member at

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ASTM Committee C09 Next Meeting: Dec. 7-10, December Committee Week, New Orleans, La.
Technical Contact: Stefan Bernard, TSE Pty Ltd., Sydney, Australia, tel +61.4.1840.7892;
ASTM Staff Contact: Scott Orthey, tel +1.610.832.9730;
ASTM PR Contact: Barbara Schindler, tel +1.610.832.9603;

Release #9718


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