ASTM Cement Committee Invites Participation in New Cement Sustainability Subcommittee

Current members of ASTM International Committees C01 on Cement and C09 on Concrete and Concrete Aggregates, and other interested parties, are invited to join a new C01 subcommittee, C01.98 on Sustainability Assessment.

The scope of C01.98 is to support the development and maintenance of standards related to methodologies and metrics for assessing sustainability in the manufacture and use of hydraulic cement. The new subcommittee will coordinate its activities with C09, in addition to providing liaison with ASTM Committee E60 on Sustainability.

While standards developed by C01.98 will be under the jurisdiction C01, members of C09 are being asked to participate since they promulgate standards that are impacted by the sustainability assessment activity.

The first C01.98 meeting will take place on June 28 from 5 to 6 p.m., during the C01 meetings at the ASTM June committee week in San Diego, Calif. All interested parties are invited to attend.

ASTM International welcomes and encourages participation in the development of its standards. For more information on becoming an ASTM member, visit

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ASTM Committee C01 Next Meeting: June 27-29, 2012, June Committee Week, San Diego, Calif.
Technical Contact: Nicholas J. Popoff, St. Marys Cement, Detroit, Mich., Phone: 313-849-4566;
ASTM Staff Contact: Scott Orthey, Phone: 610-832-9730;
ASTM PR Contact: Barbara Schindler, Phone: 610-832-9603;

Release #9183


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