Proposed ASTM Coal and Coke Standard to Allow for Determination of Chlorine Through X-Ray Fluorescence

A proposed new ASTM International standard will allow for a rapid and highly repeatable determination of chlorine in coal and coke through X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy. ASTM WK34943, Test Method for Chlorine in Coal and Coke by XRF, is being developed by Subcommittee D05.29 on Major Elements in Ash and Trace Elements of Coal, which is part of ASTM International Committee D05 on Coal and Coke.

“There is ever-increasing interest in the halides present in coal, both for environmental and operational reasons,” says Colin Campbell, supervisor, chemical services, SaskPower, and a D05 member. “Current methods for the measurement of these parameters are rather limited. Since many coal labs already have X-ray instruments for the measurement of majors and minors, it is a natural fit to be able to add chlorine to the list.”

Campbell says the proposed standard will allow for a simple and fast means of reliably measuring the chlorine concentration in coal.

“This value is of environmental concern as the chlorine will eventually be emitted as acid gases,” explains Campbell. “There is also an operational concern as condensation of these gases in the back-pass of the furnace and post-combustion emissions control systems can lead to corrosion damage.”

All interested parties are welcome to join in the development of ASTM WK34943. Campbell notes that laboratories equipped with XRF systems are particularly encouraged to contribute to the proposed standard’s development, ruggedness testing and interlaboratory study.

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ASTM Committee D05 Next Meeting: May 13-15, 2012, ASTM Headquarters, West Conshohocken, Pa.
Technical Contact: Colin Campbell, SaskPower, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada, Phone: 306-566-2292;
ASTM Staff Contact: Scott Orthey, Phone: 610-832-9730;
ASTM PR Contact: Barbara Schindler, Phone: 610-832-9603;

Release #9110


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