ASTM 3D Data Imaging Systems Committee Approves New Data Exchange Standard

Three-dimensional laser scanning is a maturing technology that holds great promise for capturing highly accurate information about an object or scene by collecting millions of dense measurements very quickly. ASTM International Committee E57 on 3D Imaging Systems is developing new standards for this technology, including ASTM E2807, Specification for 3D Imaging Data Exchange, Version 1.0.

ASTM E2807, which is under the jurisdiction of Subcommittee E57.04 on Data Interoperability, will have important applications in the 3D imaging systems industry, according to E57 committee members.  

“Currently, each hardware vendor uses a proprietary format for the files they produce,” says Fred Persi, president, Persi Consulting, and an E57 member. “A standardized data exchange format would provide users with significantly greater flexibility in working with 3D point clouds than is currently possible. Doing so will lower costs and increase applications for 3D imaging, with commensurate benefits to industry and society.”

Gene V. Roe, principal, MPN Components Inc., and chairman of E57.04, says that ASTM E2807 will help the design world in its current transition from 2D to 3D technology.

“The new ASTM data exchange standard will allow the hardware vendors to export their data in a neutral, binary format that can be imported by the design software,” says Roe. “This has the potential to move the entire industry along the technology adoption curve by allowing the mass market access to laser scanned data.”

Persi notes that industry adoption is important in spreading the use of ASTM E2807. “We believe it will ultimately be the end users of the data who will have to encourage the vendors to support the standard,” he says.

Hardware manufacturers, software development companies, consumers of 3D imaging services, as well as anyone with a general interest in the topic, is welcome to join E57.

“We have a good mix of small to large commercial vendors, researchers and consultants,” says Roe. “We continue to seek individuals who have the time to be active contributors to the efforts.”

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ASTM Committee E57 Next Meeting: Jan. 29-31, 2012, January Committee Week, Atlanta, Ga.
Technical Contact: Fred Persi, Persi Consulting, Aliquippa, Pa., Phone: 724-683-8141;; Gene V. Roe, MPN Components Inc., Phone: 603-818-2189;
ASTM Staff Contact: Kathleen McClung, Phone: 610-832-9717;
ASTM PR Contact: Barbara Schindler, Phone: 610-832-9603;

Release #8856


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