Proposed New ASTM Standard to Facilitate Design and Installation of Firestop Systems

A proposed new ASTM International standard will facilitate coordination between designers and installers of firestop systems in construction projects.

ASTM WK30772, Guide for Installation of Firestop Systems, is being developed by Subcommittee E06.21 on Serviceability, part of ASTM International Committee E06 on Performance of Buildings.

“The goal is to have an ASTM document that can become a standard to reference during the process of planning and later installing firestopping systems,” says James P. Stahl Jr., vice president of engineering, Specified Technologies Inc., and a member of E06. “ASTM WK30772 will provide background about the properties of the materials, as this is a key consideration on many construction projects.”

In addition to being used by those who design projects where firestopping is required and those who install firestopping systems, the proposed new standard will be a useful reference document for those who supply firestopping products to the construction industry.

Stahl encourages an all-encompassing cross section of experts to join in the development of ASTM WK30772.

“Bridging the gap between the technical minds that develop and formulate the products and those who install the products on a daily basis is going to be the key to our task group’s success,” says Stahl, “We are looking for manufacturers, contractors, installers, suppliers, architects, engineers and other interested parties.”

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ASTM Committee E06 Next Meeting: April 10-13, 2011, April Committee Week, Anaheim, Calif.
Technical Contact: James P. Stahl Jr., Specified Technologies Inc., Somerville, N.J., Phone: 800-992-1180, ext. 1023;
ASTM Staff Contact: Stephen Mawn, Phone: 610-832-9726;
ASTM PR Contact: Barbara Schindler, Phone: 610-832-9603;

Release #8753



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