ASTM Nuclear Structural Materials Subcommittee to Sponsor Embrittlement Trends Workshop

ASTM Subcommittee E10.02 on Behavior and Use of Nuclear Structural Materials is sponsoring a workshop focusing on embrittlement trend curves following the subcommittee meeting on Jan. 26, 2010, in San Antonio, Texas. The subcommittee is under the jurisdiction of ASTM International Committee E10 on Nuclear Technology and Applications.

The workshop is aimed at the consideration of the following aspects of embrittlement trend curves:

To validate power reactor embrittlement models above 3 x 1019 n/cm2 where the power reactor data is sparse and some test reactor data show embrittlement shifts significantly higher than power reactor based trend curves; and

To identify steps necessary to resolve issues specific to the formulation of a single industry consensus embrittlement trend curve.

Workshop topics include:

- Comparison of like material embrittlement in test and power reactors;

- Differences in test reactor and power reactor irradiations;

- Alternatives to use of surveillance data to obtain high fluence measurements;

- Physical models for understanding flux and time effects;

- Lessons learned from the BWRVIP and other integrated RVSPs;

- Approach to obtain high fluence data for the power reactor vessel materials;

- Regulator perspective; and

- International perspective.

This is a presentation-only workshop, with presentations being made available to all participants. There is no cost to attend the workshop and attire is business casual.

In order to be considered to make a presentation, please provide a title, a brief summary and desired length of presentation time to Brian Hall by Jan. 8, 2010.

ASTM International welcomes and encourages participation in the development of its standards. For more information on becoming an ASTM member, visit

ASTM Committee E10 Next Meeting: Jan. 24-27, January Committee Week, San Antonio, Texas

Technical Contact: J. Brian Hall, AREVA NP Inc., Lynchburg, Va., Phone: 434-832-2537;

ASTM Staff Contact: Joe Koury, Phone: 610-832-9804;

ASTM PR Contact: Barbara Schindler, Phone: 610-832-9603;


Release #8424/Dec2009



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