ASTM Vacuum Cleaners Committee Invites Participation in Virtual Meeting on Energy Measurements

ASTM International Committee F11 on Vacuum Cleaners invites all interested parties to participate in a virtual meeting regarding a new standards developing activity on vacuum cleaner energy measurements. The meeting will be held June 25 at 10:00 a.m. EDT. Through this activity, Committee F11 plans to develop a standard or set of standards that will aid in increasing the energy efficiency of vacuum cleaners.

According to John Balough, Hoover Co., and chair of Committee F11, the virtual meeting is being held to brainstorm ideas to determine the direction and goals of the new activity. Among the topics to be discussed are whether one standard would cover the current needs or whether several standards might need to be developed in order to properly reflect the many different types of vacuum cleaners now available. Also to be discussed would be whether this activity would be housed in a task group within a current subcommittee under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F11 or whether a new subcommittee would be formed.

The new activity will investigate areas in which energy measurement standards for vacuum cleaners are needed. Ideas that emerge from the virtual brainstorming session will be considered when F11 holds a formal organizational meeting for the activity during the F11 committee meeting to be held Sept. 29-Oct. 1 at the ASTM October committee week in Miami, Fla.

For technical Information, contact John Balough, Hoover Co., Canton, Ohio (phone: 330-499-9200; Committee F11 holds its virtual meeting JuneĀ 25 at 10:00 a.m. (EDT). For meeting or membership information, contact Brynn Murphy (phone: 610-832-9640;

Release #7991


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