Proposed ASTM Standard to Monitor Pervious Clogging

A proposed new standard being developed by ASTM International Committee C09 on Concrete and Concrete Aggregates will monitor clogging and long-term permeability of pervious pavements as well as determine if early sealing of the pavement has occurred during construction. This proposed standard, WK17606, Test Method for Permeability of Pervious Concrete Pavements, is under the jurisdiction of Subcommittee C09.49 on Pervious Concrete.

“The recent emphasis on the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, sustainability and EPA mandates has brought pervious concrete to the forefront of architects’, engineers’ and contractors’ minds,” says Heather J. Brown, director and associate professor of the Concrete Industry Management Program, Middle Tennessee State University. “It is time to put standards into place to keep pervious a viable, working option.”

Brown, who is chair of C09.49’s task group on field permeability, says that the proposed standard will be used by contractors, testing agencies and producers to monitor permeability and clogging issues for any field-placed pervious concrete application, including sidewalks, parking lots, streets and paths.

Although C09.49 is a large subcommittee, Brown says that task groups within the subcommittee welcome more participation. “Each task group is undergoing round robin testing and more participation in that effort would be welcomed,” says Brown. “We are trying to establish precision statements as well as investigate the integrity of various methods.”

For further technical information, contact Heather J. Brown, Concrete Industry Management Program, Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, Tenn. (phone: 615/904-8060; Committee C09 meets June 22-25 at the June committee week in Denver, Colo. For membership or meeting information, contact Scott Orthey, Technical Committee Operations, ASTM International (phone: 610/832-9730;


Release #7868


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