Proposed New ASTM Standards Cover Manufacture, Installation of Concrete Floor Tile

Two proposed new ASTM International standards cover the manufacture and installation of concrete floor tile units for application as exterior and interior flooring. WK17790, Specification for Concrete Floor Tile, and WK17791, Guide for Installation Methods for Concrete Floor Tile Products, are both being developed by ASTM International Committee C15 on Manufactured Masonry Units.

According to William Love, technical development manager, Arto Brick, and leader of the task groups for each proposed standard, no standards have governed the manufacture and installation of concrete floor tiles, even though they have been manufactured for decades. “As the range of colors, textures, sizes and styles expanded, the product became more prevalent and the need for standards has become apparent,” says Love.

Manufacturers, architects, designers and other specifiers, contractors, installers and project owners will be among the users of WK17790 and WK17791. Widespread use of the proposed standards will lead to increased usage and greater confidence in concrete floor tile and fewer failures of both products and installation.

Love notes that WK17790 is under the jurisdiction of Subcommittee C15.03 on Concrete Masonry Units and Related Units, while WK17791 is under Subcommittee C15.05 on Masonry Assemblies. All interested parties are encouraged to join both subcommittees. “We already have volunteers for both task groups but are actively looking to add more members,” says Love. “Manufacturers of concrete floor tiles and associated materials, such as mortar, grout and sealers would be especially welcome.”

For further technical information, contact William Love, Arto Brick, Gardena, Calif. (phone: 310/308-4222; Committee C15 meets June 24-26 at the June committee week in Denver, Colo. For membership or meeting information, contact Kevin Shanahan, Technical Committee Operations, ASTM International (phone: 610/832-9737;

Release #7867


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