ASTM International Accepting Applications for 2008 Mather Scholarship

Applications are currently being accepted for the 2008 ASTM International Katharine and Bryant Mather Scholarship. Administered by ASTM International Committee C09 on Concrete and Concrete Aggregates, the scholarship applies to students pursuing degrees specializing in cement or concrete materials technology  or concrete construction.

Full-time undergraduate students completing their second/sophomore year of college or later, or graduate students specializing in cement or concrete materials technology are eligible to apply. The 2008 Katharine and Bryant Mather Scholarship consists of $7,500 of tuition assistance. The deadline for applications for this year’s scholarship is April 30, 2008.

The scholarship honors Katharine and Bryant Mather, who together contributed in excess of 100 years to the investigation and research on the effects of various concreting materials and construction techniques, and on the ability of hydraulic-cement concretes to remain durable under aggressive exposure conditions.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers named the lab where the Mathers worked for 50 years  "The Katharine and Bryant Mather Building." In ASTM, the Mathers were well-known for many decades of leadership, dedication and technical knowledge.

For more information, including a full description of the scholarship award, a student scholarship application and faculty reference form, please visit:, or contact Scott Orthey, manager, Technical Committee Operations, ASTM International, (phone: 610/832-9730;


Release #7860


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