New ASTM International Chain Link Fence Standard Will Have Homeland Security Applications

ASTM International Committee F14 on Fences has approved a new chain link fence standard that will have a variety of security applications. The standard, F 2611, Guide for Design and Construction of Chain Link Security Fencing, contains information on the proper material selection and system installation and layout, all of which can substantially increase the difficulty of penetration. F 2611 is under the jurisdiction of Subcommittee F14.50 on High Security Fences and Perimeter Barriers.
According to William Ullrich, principal at Link Consulting LLC and leader of the F 2611 task group, the new standard was developed at the request of Subcommittee E54.05 on Building and Infrastructure Protection, part of ASTM International Committee E54 on Homeland Security Applications. F 2611 will be incorporated into a proposed standard E54.05 is currently developing, WK10275, Guide for Perimeter Protection for Homeland Security Applications.
“The purpose of F 2611 is to provide design and security engineers all the proper ASTM chain link material and installation options so that they can design a security fence that will comply with their specific security requirements,” says Ullrich. The standard will be particularly useful for site and security engineers at power plants, refineries, manufacturing facilities, government buildings, military sites, and airports.
In addition to developing F 2611, Ullrich says that Subcommittee F14.50 is currently working on similar fence design and construction guides that utilize F14 standards for expanded metal (F 2548, Specification for Expanded Metal Fence Systems for Security Purposes) and welded wire (F 2453/F2453M, Specification for Welded Wire Mesh Fence Fabric (Metallic-Coated or Polymer Coated) for Meshes of 6 in.2 [3871 mm2] or Less, in Panels or Rolls, with Uniform Meshes), as well as a guide for ornamental picket fencing.
Ullrich says the subcommittee would like users to respond with any feedback that would be useful in future revisions of F 2611. Any interested fencing and security experts are encouraged to participate in the ongoing activities of Subcommittee F14.50.
ASTM International standards are available from Customer Service (phone: 610/832-9585; or at For further technical information, contact William Ullrich, Link Consulting LLC, Annapolis, Md. (phone: 410/849-2610; Committee F14 will meet April 16-19, 2007, at the April Committee Week in Norfolk, Va. For membership or meeting information, contact Thomas O’Toole, manager, Technical Committee Operations, ASTM International (phone: 610/832-9739;


Release #7556



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