ASTM International Soil and Rock Committee Launches Geospatial Data Task Group

ASTM International Committee D18 on Soil and Rock invites all interested parties to participate in a new task group, D18.01.03 on Coal Mining Spatial Data Standards. The task group, which is being chaired by Joseph Ritchey, Pro2Serve-Professional Project Services, is under the jurisdiction of Subcommittee D18.01 on Surface and Subsurface Characterization.
The new task group was established at the request of the U.S. Office of Surface Mining (OSM) for the purpose of exchanging geospatial data about coal mines. Standards developed by the task group will allow for better enforcement of mining laws and faster, more effective response to mining-related emergencies. In addition, the standards will help to protect both the environment and people from the potential impacts of coal mining.
Proposed standards to be developed by the task group will present guidelines for the exchange of coal-mining spatial data among state, tribal and OSM offices. Task group members currently include representatives of state coal-mining regulatory programs, OSM offices and the Mine Safety and Health Administration. The task group is also seeking participation from public interest groups and industry representatives who are interested in contributing to the development of coal-mining geospatial data standards. OSM is assisting the task group through its Technical Innovation and Professional Services program, which provides advanced engineering and scientific software to organizations involved in regulating coal mines and reclaiming land disturbed by mining.
“Establishing agreement among all our business partners concerning the coal-mining geospatial data we create, use, and exchange is fundamental to improving our understanding of the potential environmental impacts of surface coal-mining operations,” according to Billie Clark, Jr., chief of OSM’s Technology Management Division. “It will help us better address and resolve a variety of problems associated with coal-mining and reclamation operations. To establish coal-mining geospatial data standards that are recognized by ASTM International will indeed be to have accomplished a first.”

For further technical information, contact Joseph Ritchey, Pro2Serve-Professional Project Services, Los Alamos, N.M. (phone: 505/661-7958; Committee D18 meets Jan. 28-31, 2007, during the January Committee Week in Costa Mesa, Calif. For membership or meeting information, contact Robert Morgan, manager, Technical Committee Operations, ASTM International (phone: 610/832-9732;


Release #7555


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