ASTM Security Systems Committee Launches Development of Boat Barrier Standard

ASTM International Committee F12 on Security Systems and Equipment invites all interested users, specifiers and industry personnel to participate in the development of a proposed new standard, WK11191, Test Method for Boat Barriers. WK11191 is under the jurisdiction of Subcommittee F12.10 on Systems, Products and Services.

The purpose of the WK11191 is to create requirements for any land-based crash barriers that are designed to protect facilities that could be attacked by water-borne vessels. While check points, restricted access and early warning methods are employed to protect the safety of personnel and facilities, physical barriers may be needed if any of these layers of protection are breached. The committee has identified over a dozen water-side facilities that require protection from intrusion, including airports, bridges, cruise ships, nuclear facilities and reservoirs.

Although floating water barriers are gaining acceptance for their ability to provide protection to a facility and its personnel, there is not currently a standard to which manufacturers can design barriers. The result is that there are currently many different solutions being developed without a standard way to test and evaluate them. Committee F12 believes that a multiple performance level document is required to meet the needs of a wide variety of facilities, each of which requires its own level of protection.

For further technical information, contact Maggie McGowan, U.S. Coast Guard (phone: 202/267-4132; Committee F12 meets Oct. 23-25, during the October Committee Week in Atlanta, Ga. For membership or meeting information, contact Joseph Hugo, manager, Technical Committee Operations, ASTM International (phone: 610/832-9740;

Release #7472


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