ASTM International is celebrating its 125th anniversary this year and, as part of the celebrations the organization has announced eight winners of its Standards Case Study Contest, launched in Spring of 2022.
ASTM technical committees were invited to submit examples of standards that exemplify an above-average impact in bettering society. 74 submissions from 44 different committees were submitted and eight winning case studies were selected.
The winning committees and their case studies include:
- Petroleum products, liquid fuels, and lubricants committee (D02) – The specification (D6751) prescribes the required properties of diesel fuels at the time and place of delivery.
- Soil and rock committee (D18) – Two test methods that cover laboratory compaction methods used to determine the relationship between molding water content and dry unit weight of soils using standard effort (D698) and modified effort (D1557).
- Plastics committee (D20) –Test methods (D6866) teach how to experimentally measure biobased carbon content of solids, liquids, and gaseous samples using radiocarbon analysis. A specification (D6400) covers the requirements for labeling materials and products, including packaging made from plastics as compostable in aerobic municipal and industrial composting facilities. Finally, a specification (D6868) is intended to establish the requirements for labeling of end items that use plastics or polymers as coatings or binders as composable in aerobic municipal and industrial composting facilities.
- Vehicle – pavement systems committee (E17) – This guide (E3266) is used to ensure that aircraft braking action reports (ABAR) created by automated systems meet a minimum level of quality and represent a standardized set of assumptions.
- Pesticides, antimicrobials, and alternative control agents committee (E35) – This practice (E1053) is used to determine the effectiveness of liquid, aerosols/foams, and trigger-spray products against designated prototype viruses.
- Consumer products committee (F15) – This consumer safety specification (F1169) establishes performance requirements and test procedures to determine the structural integrity of full-sized cribs, in order to attempt to minimize the risk of injury or death.
- Personal protective clothing and equipment committee (F23) – This specification (F3502) was the first ASTM standard to address barrier face coverings and was developed in response to the global COVID-19 pandemic.
- Amusements rides and devices committee (F24) – The practice (F770) provides guidelines for operations, maintenance, and inspection procedures for amusement rides and devices, to be performed by the owner/operator.
Follow ASTM International’s social media channels to learn more about the case study contest and visit to follow along with ASTM’s 125th Anniversary celebrations.
Media Inquiries: Dan Bergels, tel +1.610.832.9602;
Committee Contact: Katerina Koperna, tel +1.610.832.9728;
Release #11588