Marcel Cossette Named Chair of ASTM International Fiber-Reinforced Cement Products Committee

Marcel Cossette, director of Asbestos Expertise in Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada, has been named chair of ASTM Committee C17 on Fiber-Reinforced Cement Products. The 60-member committee oversees and maintains 65 standards published in the Annual Book of ASTM Standards.

Cossette lives in Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada.

An ASTM Fellow and Award of Merit winner, Cossette has been an ASTM International member since 1966. He serves on a number of Committee C17 groups and chairs Subcommittee C17.03 on Asbestos-Cement Sheet Products and Accessories and is also a member of Committee E34 on Occupational Health and Safety.

Professionally, Cossette focuses on biomedical and technological aspects of asbestos, particularly for asbestos-cement products. Before his work at Asbestos Expertise, Cossette held positions as director of research for Cerminco Inc. and as director of the Qama Laboratory at the University of Sherbrooke.

Cossette earned a bachelor's in chemical engineering from the McGill University in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.


Release #7373

April 1, 2006