Gary Beck Receives ASTM International H.V. Churchill Award

ASTM International Committee E01 on Analytical Chemistry for Metals, Ores and Related Materials has presented Gary L. Beck, principal analytical chemist at ATI Wah Chang in Albany, Ore., with the 2007 H.V. Churchill Award.  Established in 1967, the award is given for meritorious service to the committee.

A resident of Salem, Ore., Beck has been a member of ASTM International for more than 30 years.  He is active on a number of subcommittees within Committee E01, and currently serves as vice chairman of Subcommittee E01.06.  E01 honored Beck with the Award of Appreciation in 2003.  He also serves on Committees B10 on Reactive and Refractory Metals and Alloys, D19 on Water, and F40 on Declarable Substances in Materials.

A graduate of Williamette University, Salem, Ore., where he received a bachelor's degree in chemistry, Beck began his career with ATI Wah Chang in 1965.  During his more than 40 years with the company, he has held the positions of chief spectrographer and laboratory manager before assuming his current role in 2004. 

In addition to ASTM International, Beck is a member of the American Chemical Society, the Society of Applied Spectroscopy and the Association of Laboratory Managers. 


Release #7885

February 1, 2008