ASTM International Standards for ACI Certification Now Available

Today, global standards organization ASTM International launched a new package including the standards and test methods necessary for concrete certification training and virtual learning.  

American Concrete Institute (ACI) chapters and sponsoring groups that partner with ASTM International will have the opportunity to build a customizable package for the exact ASTM standards and test methods needed for ACI certification programs, including testing, inspection, and construction/specialist programs. 

Users have the opportunity to take advantage of enhanced exam prep with ASTM eLearning options and step-by-step video examples, for reduced pricing. An online subscription allows users instant digital access to ASTM International standards and the ability to track standards and stay informed on relevant updates. 

For more information on packages or to purchase, contact Mark Axelman (+1.610.832.9621; To learn more about the ASTM International concrete and concrete aggregates committee, click here.

Media Inquiries: Dan Bergels, tel +1.610.832.9602;

Release #11099


October 2, 2020