ASTM International Sponsors Ohio State University Student Connor Slone in 2013 WISE Internship Program

ASTM International will sponsor Connor Slone, a materials science and engineering student at the Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, in the 2013 Washington Internships for Students of Engineering (WISE) program.

Ranked as one of the best internship opportunities in the U.S. by the Princeton Review, the WISE program is a paid 10-week summer internship in Washington, D.C. The interns are outstanding third- or fourth-year engineering students selected in a nationwide competition. During the program, interns learn about the public policy process, including how government officials make decisions on complex technological issues and how engineers can contribute to legislative and regulatory public policy decisions.

A junior at Ohio State, Slone’s specific areas of interest include biomimetic materials and the formability of structural metals. He is the student representative on the Materials Science Department’s Undergraduate Studies Committee, a volunteer with Habitat for Humanity, and an undergraduate researcher in the laboratory facilities on campus. He has spent the past two summers as a student intern at the Air Force Research Laboratory at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio. Slone is also a student member of ASTM International.

Slone hopes to explore nanotechnology as it relates to public policy during his time in Washington. “Nanomaterials have the capacity to greatly improve the number and properties of materials at the disposal of engineers and businesses, but a thorough understanding of their full impact is essential,” says Slone.

To learn more about the WISE program, visit For further information on ASTM’s academic outreach activities, visit or contact Jim Olshefsky, ASTM International (phone: 610-832-9714;

ASTM PR Contact:
Erin K. Brennan, Phone: 610-832-9602;

Release #9305

February 8, 2013