ASTM International Fences Committee Names John Eichenlaub as New Chairman

John Eichenlaub, chief operating officer at Builders Fence Company, Inc. in Sun Valley, CA., has been named chairman of ASTM International Committee F14 on Fences. 

Formed in 1973, F14 includes 6 subcommittees that oversee more than 45 standards related to fences, fence systems and related materials used to manufacture them. Eichenlaub has been a member of the committee and ASTM International since 2008.

Eichenlaub has been with Builders Fence Company, Inc., a specialty fence manufacturer, since 2015 having previously served as a technical services coordinator and product manager at Atkore International. Eichenlaub also served as an aviation electronics technician in the United States Navy.

Media Inquiries: Dan Bergels, tel +1.610.832.9602;

Release #10021

March 16, 2016