ASTM International’s Nonferrous Metals Committee to Host Free November Workshop on Zinc and Zinc Alloys

ASTM International’s committee on nonferrous metals and alloys (B02) will host a free workshop, “Zinc and Zinc Alloys: Global Harmonization and New Alloys,” on Monday, Nov. 13 from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. The workshop will be held in conjunction with committee meetings that week in Atlanta, Georgia.

ASTM International member John Malmgreen will be the sole presenter at the workshop.  He will discuss the early development of specifications for zinc casting alloys, the efforts to harmonize specifications, new developments and revisions, and the addition of new zinc casting alloys.

“Zinc die castings are used throughout the world in a variety of industries, including automotive, electrical, computer, household appliances, and many other applications,” says Malmgreen, vice president of manufacturing/quality at Eastern Alloy, Inc. “The ease of casting and finishing, combined with good physical and mechanical properties, and RoHS-compliant composting are some of the reasons the use of zinc die castings is so widespread.”

The workshop will also review changes that were made to ASTM International’s zinc and zinc die casting alloy standards resulting from efforts to harmonize worldwide standards through a collaboration between ASTM International and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).

No registration is required for the workshop. Anyone unable to attend in-person can virtually participate by emailing Leah Kelly at For more information about the committee, contact Molly Lynyak at

Media Inquiries: Dan Bergels, tel +1.610.832.9602;
Committee Contact: Molly Lynyak, tel +1.610.832.9743;
Release #10368

July 21, 2017