ASTM Committee E33 on Environmental Acoustics Elects Acoustical Consultant R. Kring Herbert as New Chairman

ASTM Committee E33 on Environmental Acoustics recently elected R. Kring Herbert, a principal of Ostergaard Acoustical Associates in West Orange, N.J., as its new chairman. Herbert joined ASTM International in 1977 and had chaired Subcommittee E33.02 on the acoustics of Open Plan Spaces since its inception in the 1980s. He continues to be active on a number of E33 groups.

Robert Hallman of Armstrong will replace Herbert as chairman of Subcommittee E33.02. Steven Brown will become the chair of the Subcommittee E33.04 on Application of Acoustical Materials and Systems.

Committee E33 is responsible for a wide range of standards used to evaluate the acoustical performance of buildings and building components, including laboratory and field tests of sound absorption, sound transmission loss, and impact noise resistance. For example, the Sound Transmission Class (STC) of a wall construction is tested with ASTM Standard E90. The sound absorption of acoustic tile is measured with ASTM Standard C423 and results in NRC or Sound Absorption Average (SAA) values.

Outside ASTM International, Herbert is an associate of the American Institute of Architects and a member of the Newark and Suburban Chapter of AIA New Jersey. He is also a fellow of the Acoustical Society of America and a Board Certified Noise Control Engineer.


Release #7348

March 1, 2006