Registration is now open for the 20th International Symposium on Zirconium in the Nuclear Industry, to be held June 20-23, 2022, at the Fairmont Chateau Laurier, Ottawa, (Ontario, Canada). The workshop is sponsored by ASTM International’s reactive and refractory metals and alloys committee (B10). The purpose of the symposium is to provide a forum for exchanging new information on the fabrication, testing, development, and characterization of both traditional and new zirconium-based materials used in the nuclear industry. This includes materials performance during normal, transient, and accident conditions as well as materials behavior during intermediate and long-term storage conditions. Of particular interest are studies that focus on identifying and understanding the mechanisms and behaviors of zirconium-based materials. Appropriate topics for papers include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Basic metallurgy and processing;
- Fabrication and alloy development;
- Mechanical behavior;
- Corrosion and hydriding;
- In-reactor performance;
- Irradiation effects;
- High-temperature and transient phenomena;
- Intermediate and long-term storage performance; and
- Coatings for accident tolerant fuel.
To register for the event, or for more information, visit
Additional technical information is available from Editorial Chair Dr. Michael Preuss ( or ( and Symposium Chair Dr. Suresh K. Yagnik (
Symposia Operations Contact: Jennifer Buono, tel+1.610.832.9698;
Release #11397