Proposed ASTM International Specification Aims to Enhance Safety Through the Use of Reflective Materials on Vehicles

ASTM International’s committee on road and paving materials (D04) is developing a new specification for retroreflective and fluorescent materials to be applied on the body of a vehicle. These materials will enhance the visibility of the vehicle to other users on the road. This standard (WK55400, Specification for Retroreflective Sheeting for Vehicle Conspicuity) will outline the attributes and performance levels of these materials, allowing governments, manufacturers, and others around the world to use it.

A globally-recognized standard is needed due to confusion and difficulty interpreting requirements in various countries and jurisdictions, according to Todd Ballen, a senior product development specialist in the Transportation Safety Division of 3M. “There is a need for a single conspicuity standard that harmonizes the leading global standards, and contains multiple performance levels from which specifiers, users, and manufacturers may wish to choose,” he says.

The standard will be particularly helpful for governments and regions that do not have conspicuity specifications.  Anyone with knowledge in the vehicle aspects of conspicuity application is encouraged to participate in developing and improving the specification.

ASTM welcomes participation in the development of its standards. Become a member at The next meeting of ASTM International committee on road and paving standards is December 5-7, 2017, December Committee Week, Sheraton New Orleans; New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.

Media Inquiries: Dan Bergels, tel +1.610.832.9602;
Committee Contact: Ashley Wiand, tel +1.610.832.9551;
Release #10357

July 12, 2017