Te-Lin Yau Honored with ASTM Reactive Metals Award

ASTM International’s reactive and refractory metals and alloys committee (B10) has awarded its 2024 H.R. “Russ” Ogden Award to Te-Lin Yau.

Established by the committee in honor of its first chair, this award is given for outstanding accomplishments in the science and technology of reactive and refractory metals and alloys.

An ASTM International member since the 1980s, Yau is also a member of the Association for Materials Protection and Performance (AMPP), founded as the National Association for Corrosion Engineers (NACE).

Yau has been a private consultant since 1997, previously working as corrosion group head at ATI Wah Chang. His career focus has been the corrosion properties of various metals and their alloys, including titanium, zirconium, and more, contributing to dozens of publications along the way. His work has helped build a greater understanding of their similarities and differences, and thus find new uses for them in the chemical processing industries.

Yau received his Doctorate in metallurgical engineering from The Ohio State University in 1979.

Media Inquiries: Gavin O’Reilly, tel +1.610.832.9618; goreilly@astm.org

Release #11958



Source URL: https://newsroom.astm.org/B10-ogden-yau