Registration Open for ASTM Workshop on Metal Powder Characterization
Registration is open for ASTM International’s Workshop on Metal Powder Characterization, to be held Apr. 15, 2025, in Fernandina Beach, Florida. The event is sponsored by ASTM International’s metal powders committee (B09) and will be held in conjunction with the committee’s standards development meetings.
The workshop will:
- Review certain metal powder characterization techniques that have yet to be standardized, and will define and explain the parameters they measure,
- Cover rotating drum testers and rotating blade rheometers,
- Demonstrate the effect of laboratory testing conditions such as relative humidity, and
- Discuss powder spreadability along with methods for testing it directly or correlating rheological test results with spreading characteristics.
To register for the workshop, or to view the technical program, please visit:
Symposia Operations Contact: Tammy Schane tel+1.610.832.9522,
Release #11944