Participation Encouraged in New ASTM Sensory Instrument Test Results Group

All interested parties are invited to participate in a new task group on instrument test results for sensory evaluation of consumer products, including food and cosmetics. The new task group will be part of ASTM International Committee E18 on Sensory Evaluation and will meet during the E18 meetings at April committee week in Anaheim, Calif.

“Our goal at this meeting will be to recruit members, set out a plan for progress and assign tasks,” says Len Thibodeau, texture product manager, Brookfield Engineering Labs, and task group leader. “The long-range goal of this task group will be to create at least one, or possibly several if warranted, guideline documents to assist typical users in creating instrument test methods that are most likely to provide meaningful results and can be well correlated with valid sensory evaluation results.”

While there is strong representation from sensory evaluation professionals in Committee E18, Thibodeau would like to see more instrumentation industry representatives and academic researchers in the instrument correlations task group. “So comprised, we will be in a unique position to create relevant documents from ASTM International, a recognized source,” says Thibodeau.

Anyone who is interested in joining the task group is invited to contact Thibodeau for more information.
ASTM International standards are available for purchase from Customer Service (phone: 610/832-9585; or at For further technical information, contact Len Thibodeau, Brookfield Engineering Labs, Middleboro, Mass. (phone: 508/946-6200, ext. 199; Committee E18 meets April 8-10 at the April committee week in Anaheim, Calif. For membership or meeting information, contact Scott Orthey, Technical Committee Operations, ASTM International (phone: 610/832-9730;


Release #7862

January 1, 2008