New Wear and Erosion Standard Will Help Measure Friction and Adhesive Wear Properties

ASTM International’s wear and erosion committee (G02) has released a new standard that provides a test method for measuring friction and adhesive wear properties of lubricated and nonlubricated materials using the twist compression test (TCT). 

The new standard (soon to be published as G223) can be used to “rank combinations of surfaces in their resistance to adhesive wear. This can be useful in specifying materials used in the manufacture of mating surfaces in equipment and other applications,” according to ASTM member Ted McClure. He notes that the test can be used to compare lubricants, tested with two surfaces, in their ability to prevent adhesive wear and rank their friction levels.

McClure suggests that the method can primarily be used by both engineers and manufacturers of lubricants. Engineers can use it when “selecting material couples and coatings used in equipment designs to minimize adhesive wear in service.Lubricant manufacturers may use the test to verify selection of lubricating additives and basestocks in product developments, to verify quality, and as a tool for in-service condition monitoring of lubricants, particularly metalworking fluids.” This test has been used as an aid for developing biobased lubricants to replace petroleum. 

The wear and erosion committee is looking for users to participate in an Interlaboratory Study Program (ILS) regarding the standard. Interested parties are invited to join.

ASTM welcomes participation in the development of its standards. Become a member at

Media Inquiries: Gavin O’Reilly, tel +1.610.832.9618;
Committee Contact: Jennifer TursiHER, tel +1.610.832.9653;

Release #11697


July 17, 2023