ASTM International’s plastic piping systems committee (F17) has approved a new standard test method that will help ensure polypropylene pressure piping materials are suitably resistant to the presence of disinfectants in potable water systems.
“In North America, we use much higher levels of disinfectants such as chlorine in our potable water systems than in most other countries,” says ASTM International member Jim Paschal. “This new test method will provide one more tool for helping to ensure that polypropylene piping materials are suitable for this application.”
Paschal, chief technology officer, Aquatherm, notes that plastic piping system manufacturers who make products for use in potable water systems will be the primary users of the new standard (F3497). In addition, certification bodies and specifying engineers will find the standard useful.
This effort directly relates to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal #6 on clean water and sanitation.
The committee will be conducting round robin testing to better establish a precision and bias statement for the standard. Interested laboratories and piping manufacturers are invited to participate.
Media Inquiries: Dan Bergels, tel +1.610.832.9602;
Committee Contact: Kevin Shanahan, tel +1.610.832.9660;
Release #11376