ASTM International Standards Referenced in St. Vincent and the Grenadines

The memorandum of understanding signed by ASTM International and the St. Vincent and the Grenadines Bureau of Standards (SVGBS) in 2007 continues to be a success, according to the 2008 Annual Report submitted to ASTM by SVGBS.

The St. Vincent and the Grenadines Bureau of Standards was established by the Standards Act to function as a corporate body, and is presently operating under the Ministry of Telecommunications, Science and Technology, and Industry.

Over the past year, 15 ASTM International standards were consulted in preparation of St. Vincent and the Grenadines national standards and 42 ASTM standards were used as reference documents for government regulations. The ASTM standards cover a wide range of sectors including steel, gasoline, paints, cement and concrete and will be adopted by SVGBS as national standards in 2009.

Initiated in 2001, ASTM International's MOU program promotes communication between ASTM International and national standards bodies worldwide, fostering awareness of the standardization systems of all parties involved. The purpose of the program is to increase greater worldwide participation in the ASTM standards development process and facilitate the development of national standards that will aid health, safety, and environmental and economic conditions. More information on the MOU program can be found on the ASTM International Web site (

Release #8232

April 14, 2009