ASTM International Construction Adhesives Subcommittee Continues Work on Proposed Structural Insulated Panel Standard

All interested parties are invited to contribute to the ongoing development of WK11541, Specification for Structural Insulated Panel (SIP) Adhesives for Bonding Oriented Strand Board (OSB) Facers to Rigid Cellular Polystyrene Thermal Insulation Core Materials. The proposed standard is under the jurisdiction of Subcommittee D14.70 on Construction Adhesives, which is part of ASTM International Committee D14 on Adhesives.
The purpose of the proposed standard is to establish performance requirements for structural insulated panel adhesives. James Van Schoyck, chair of the task group developing WK11541, feels that when it is completed, the proposed standard will be a very important qualification document for the structural insulated panel industry.
“We want to thank ASTM International for providing the excellent organization structure and the modern computer-based Internet tools that assist and enable us to prepare a comprehensive test standard,” says Van Schoyck.

Subjects that are being discussed in the development of WK11541 include test specimen assembly, substrate material requirements, adhesive formulation change and its effect on qualification, accelerated aging procedures, establishing minimum performance requirements for shear and tensile strength, and resistance to creep. The task group will meet next during the April Committee Week in Norfolk, Va.

For technical information, contact James Van Schoyck, PFS Corporation, Madison, Wis. (phone: 608/224-5529; Committee D14 meets April 15-17, 2007, at the April Committee Week in Norfolk, Va. For membership or meeting information, contact Joseph Hugo, manager, Technical Committee Operations, ASTM International (phone: 610/832-9740;


Release #7616

February 1, 2007